Monday, May 3, 2010

Frequently Asked Questions (01)

"I stalk you.  I read every single word that you write.  I still do not know what you do."

Oh, my.  Now that does indeed presume that I know what I do.

Let's see.  Today's answer to that is:
I am a Queen in a very real fairyland.  Little Cow Harbor does most truly exist.  People are always quite surprised to find out that it exists, but it certainly exists.  If you can find it, you can actually visit it.
So, perhaps you should start stalking the town.

It actually is indeed quite certainly amusing to listen to an entire invisible town chuckle while the visible outside world proverbially scratches its head.  Yes, the rumor is true:  this town does most assuredly have absolutely the best garbage in the whole wide world.  No, we do not just 'recycle garbage'; we 'revere garbage'.  What part of "We have the best garbage", did you miss?  Yes, this town actually does tip its garbage men by taping envelopes filled with money to the garbage pails.  Yes, you really can find white leather couches in pristine condition magically left at the curbside with notes that say, "Free. Please take."

No, the horses did not come from the garbage.  They might wear garbage, but they did not come from it.  Sometimes it takes great magic and many Queens to conjure one horse.

I maintain a stable of horses.  Yes, they are horses because I have said that they are horses.  While that seems like a self-evident truth many people stand right in front of them and say, "But I don't see any horses."  You do not even need special glasses to see them.  You look down, you see hooves.  All you have to do is remember that they are horses because I have said that they are horses.

If I had enough patience, I would show you a Christmas card with nine reindeer.  However, I do not have the patience today, so I will not show you any reindeer.  Besides, you are confused enough about the horses.  Otherwise, you would not be reading this.

All of the horses are male.  Except for the horses that are female.  Yes, they are anatomically correct.  Perhaps they are not horses as you know them, but they are correct for horses from fairyland.

If the horses wish to be something else, they wear a mask.  Perhaps you can relate to this in regular life.  Social life is exhausting because all too often one is wearing a mask.